Wednesday, September 24, 2014

E.O.I. (Epitome of Ignorance)

E.O.I. (Epitome of Ignorance)

Epitome of Ignorance is a segment that will directly address some of the crazy stuff I see in my everyday life or online and just feel like is pure ignorance.

3 Boobs...1 million Bosos

So I am sure most of you have read or heard about the young lady that claims to have gotten a prosthetic third breasts?  Like really? I find it interesting that we even entertained this child.  Are people that desperate for something to talk about that we would entertain a woman who had a third breast added to her chest.  Rather she did or she did not does not really matter.  The fact that we are interested is what is ignorant.  If there was a plastic surgeon willing to risk their career to add a third breasts to a woman's body should we really be so intrigued.  Or should we call the closes psychiatrist for her and the million people who are interested.
For those of you so interested in breasts, try reading the bible. Song of Solomon 3rd chapter to be exact.

James 1:19-21 ESV / 

Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.

Balling on a Budget

Hebrews 13:5-6 ESV / 

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?”

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Thrifty Guide to enjoying life without being a BIG spender. 
This Week's tip is regarding finding your own fun.

Explore your city and find something unique about that city to enjoy with your significant other or your crew. Typically a waterfront, bridge, downtown area, or historic geographic location.  After a brisk walk around your selected point of reference pull out a blanket or portable chairs (whichever would make your date most comfortable).  A picnic basket, thermal bag, or cooler with the lunch/dinner is also a great option.  You can create a special night and a great meal for less than 15$.  Sandwiches, fruits, wine, and chips are the best options.  But you can get as fancy as you like.  If you are not a big fan of traveling with food or grocery stores, then feel free to grab two sub sandwiches from your favorite sub shop, chipotle burritos/bowls or chinese takeout.

This option is great for a first date, girls night, family outing or out of town guests.  Please do not say that your city does not having anywhere interesting, because I would beg to differ.  If you are convinced however that your city has NO options I challenge you to add your city and state in the comments section and I will find a fun place for you.  Here are a few ideas from places where this worked when I visited.

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Austin, TX - Boardwalk Area, Barton Springs, Park in front of Children's museem
Philadelphia, PA - Boathouse Row, Penn's Landing, Manyunk Trail, Fairmount Park, Love Park, PMOA steps
Kansas City, MO - Plaza, P&L district, Loose Park, Longview Lake, Town Center, Truman Library, Nelson Art Gallery Museum lawn

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Happy Hunting on Find your own Fun Friday:)

Eat Like An Adult

Eat Like An Adult 

1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV 

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

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This section will offer some ideas, tips and recipes on having fun with eating healthy. 

Turkey Burger, Sweet Potatoe Wedges, Asparagus and Cucumber water.
Sounds Like a Lot I know... but it does not take more than fifteen minutes and fifteen dollars to feed four people with this meal. 
Ground Turkey/Lean Beef (whichever you prefer)
3-4 large sweet potatoes
Agave Nectar or canned pineapples
1lb of asparagus 
4 slices of uncooked bacon 
One cucumber 
Optional (Lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, onion, and crumbled blue cheese)
I use Spinach Tortillas for buns, but feel free to use bread if you like or serve without bread is best.  

Separate the meat into four sections, season as you like, preferably without salt.  Try using onion powder, pepper and garlic (I use spicy mustard to season).  
Put in oven or toaster oven on 350 for ten minutes, flatten as much as you like half way through. 
Separate asparagus into four sections and take one piece of bacon for each section to wrap around the asparagus.  Place it on a cooking sheet and set along side the turkey burgers in oven for ten minutes as well. 
While those are cooking cut up half a cucumber and place in a pitcher of water with ice.  
Peel and cut sweet potatoes into chunks.  Bring a half cup of water to a boil in a large skillet and add the sweet potatoes.  Keep on medium heat and cover for 3-5 minutes.  Take cover off and test see how soft they are, either add a small amount of water and continue to cook, or if soften enough add to cookie sheet pouring either pineapples or agave and let brown for five minutes.  

Check to make sure they bacon is fully cooked around asparagus. Once it is done, remove and use bacon for burgers if you like.  
Prep plates with Turkey burger, sweet potatoe wedges, and asparagus
Pour glasses of water and SERVE


B.E.A.T. Your Child Please... Then BEAT Yourself

Children mean the ABSOLUTE world to me.  I truly believe that you train up a child in the way they should go.  This section of the blog will be about things that I notice and feel that caretakers should be more aware of and take a greater responsibility for teaching their children about.
B.E.A.T. Your Kids... Then BEAT Yourself
Be Emphatic About Teaching

So in the first edition of BEAT Your Kids; Then BEAT Yourself....
Where's The Father?  So this child has gone viral and people have made their comments about the child being out of control, but I think there are a lot more people who deserve this beating...

Proverbs 27:17 Iron Sharpens Iron; just as one man sharpens another.

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What responsibility do you take for the images that your children see everyday?  How are you being sure that the words they hear through music, television, video games, and yourself are not defining their character.  Do not be confused that this is CUTE.  It is not.  20 years later when this child becomes a young adult dragging a woman off of an elevator we will be ready to fire him from a job where he is praised for being violent.  I am not saying that every person who sags their pants are violent people.  I am saying that when you are not emphatic about teaching your child and helping them process what they see, they will make some decisions on their own based on the information they have.  Most times that leads to bad decisions.  So right after you get passionate about controlling the images your child sees, you should do the same for yourself.


(Movies You Must Remember)

Psalm 101:3 ESV / 

I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless. I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me.

This section is to pay tribute to some of the most amazing movies ever made, in my mind and short movie library:)  Famous quotes, images, as well as relationships that were so timeless that we use them as references in our lives as if these are people who really existed.

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This week we are going to talk about one of my ALL time favorite movies: The Little Rascals
I recently saw a picture of the group all grown up and was reminded of this movie.  There are three generations of children that I forced to watch this movie and they all loved it.  It is still the first movie I think to purchase as a gift fo the families on my Christmas list.  I am so In love with the 20th Anniversary pictures from the cast.  Check them out for yourself.

20th Anniversary of Little Rascals

IITOO... Bless You Child

IITOO (Impossible I'm The Only One)
IITOO (Impossible I'm The Only One)
This series will be about random things that I feel the world comes to a conclusion on without thinking for themselves.  Allowing Media to influence the way they think, respond, and behave towards trending topics.

ACTS 17 : 8 And they troubled the people and the rulers of the city, when they heard these things.

This Week's Edition:
Impossible I'm The Only One that thinks it is crazy that people are getting fired, outcast, suspended, and given the Modern Day Scarlet Letter from Social media when they express their truths.
Whoopi Goldberg, Stephen A. Smith, Karrueche, my boo Kanye and even Donald Sterling.  I mean especially in the case of Whoopi and Stephen A. Smith. Whoopi Defends Stephen We are paying them and supporting them to offer their opinion on things we already saw for ourselves, but when their opinion does not go with what we feel is "approved" all of a sudden they should lose their jobs?  That is Ridiculous and just proves that Erykah Badu was correct in her theory of Group Think.  It is so easy for us to just join in protest with what others do not like instead of actually investigating things for ourselves. Tommy On Oprah This is not NEW.  Tommy Hillfiger's clothing line was boycotted and people said that he did not like black people.  That might have been true, but that is not what he was said.  He said that when creating his clothing line, he had not used the body types of African Americans, and the fact that so many of us were wearing his clothing line surprised him and forced him to reevaluate.  I am not saying that we do not have a right to all not like the same person, but when we try and control people because we do not agree with their actions or opinions we put ourselves in a dangerous position.