Wednesday, September 24, 2014

IITOO... Bless You Child

IITOO (Impossible I'm The Only One)
IITOO (Impossible I'm The Only One)
This series will be about random things that I feel the world comes to a conclusion on without thinking for themselves.  Allowing Media to influence the way they think, respond, and behave towards trending topics.

ACTS 17 : 8 And they troubled the people and the rulers of the city, when they heard these things.

This Week's Edition:
Impossible I'm The Only One that thinks it is crazy that people are getting fired, outcast, suspended, and given the Modern Day Scarlet Letter from Social media when they express their truths.
Whoopi Goldberg, Stephen A. Smith, Karrueche, my boo Kanye and even Donald Sterling.  I mean especially in the case of Whoopi and Stephen A. Smith. Whoopi Defends Stephen We are paying them and supporting them to offer their opinion on things we already saw for ourselves, but when their opinion does not go with what we feel is "approved" all of a sudden they should lose their jobs?  That is Ridiculous and just proves that Erykah Badu was correct in her theory of Group Think.  It is so easy for us to just join in protest with what others do not like instead of actually investigating things for ourselves. Tommy On Oprah This is not NEW.  Tommy Hillfiger's clothing line was boycotted and people said that he did not like black people.  That might have been true, but that is not what he was said.  He said that when creating his clothing line, he had not used the body types of African Americans, and the fact that so many of us were wearing his clothing line surprised him and forced him to reevaluate.  I am not saying that we do not have a right to all not like the same person, but when we try and control people because we do not agree with their actions or opinions we put ourselves in a dangerous position.

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